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Re: [igraph] page.rank speed

From: Werner Smith
Subject: Re: [igraph] page.rank speed
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 21:52:18 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

Tamás Nepusz <address@hidden> writes:


> >  At arpack.c:1178 : ARPACK error, The Schur form computed by LAPACK 
routine dlahqr could not be reordered

> by LAPACK routine dtrsen.

> Seems to be a long-standing issue with ARPACK and we haven't figured out 
yet how to solve this; see, e.g.:


> https://bugs.launchpad.net/igraph/+bug/365817

> https://github.com/igraph/igraph/issues/385


> It seems to occur on relatively sparse graphs and it also seems that 
removing isolated vertices usually

> resolves the problem. Also, the issue will probably not come up again if 
we switch to PRPACK. Can you try

> removing any isolated vertices in your graph (if any) and try again? If 
it still fails, send me your graph

> somehow and I'll investigate.


By any chance, has there been update on this?

I have a single connected graph with:



IGRAPH DN-- 133 3497 -- 

+ attr: name (v/c), Weight (e/n)

And I still get issues with ARPACK:


Error in page.rank(mygraph) : 

  At arpack.c:1178 : ARPACK error, The Schur form computed by LAPACK 
routine dlahqr could not be reordered by LAPACK routine dtrsen.

So I do not think it is down to isolated vertices, at least not in my case.

Any pointers/hints/tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much

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