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Re: [igraph] All possible path between two nodes

From: Ahmed Abdeen Hamed
Subject: Re: [igraph] All possible path between two nodes
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 04:52:20 -0500

I had to terminate because my graph might have cycles. I don't need all possible path. I just need a path that's longer the immediate path between two nodes if it exists. 

For instance:

If A->B and 
also A->C->B or A->D->B

I need to see those two paths.

Is there an easier way that all possible path?


On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 4:30 AM, Tamás Nepusz <address@hidden> wrote:
I got it to work but it is slow in a graph with only  7436 vertices. It is taking 3 hours so far and it has not terminated. What is the expectation as far as graph size is concerned?
There is no expectation; it depends on how many possible paths there are in your graph. (And I hope that your graph does not have cycles because that would mean an infinite number of paths). Why do you need all the possible paths anyway?


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