I am new to igraph and to R. I have a simple problem I hope you can help with. i am trying to visualise a classroom network and I want the vertices to have different colours by ethnic minority/majority background, and different shapes by gender. The colours work ok, but I can't make the shapes change.
V(graph1)$color <- ifelse(ethmin4 == 1, "red", "blue")
#set shape of vertex attribute according to gender
V(graph1)$shape <- ifelse(female4 == 1, "circle", "square")
myLayout <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(graph1)
vertex.color = V(graph1)$color,
vertex.shape = V(graph1)$shape,
vertex.size = 15,
edge.color = "black",
edge.arrow.size = 0.05,
layout = myLayout
But this doesn't work, and I get the following error:
Error in igraph.check.shapes(params("vertex", "shape")) :
Bad vertex shape(s): NA.
When I type V(graph1)$shape, I get the following so I think that has loaded correctly. And I think my shape names are correct.
[1] "square" "circle" "square" "square" "circle" "square" "circle" "square" "circle" "square"
[11] "circle" "circle" "square" "square" "circle" "circle" "circle" NA "square" "circle"
[21] "square"
Any ideas?
Thanks very much,