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Re: [igraph] getting k-connected nodes from a vertex

From: Ross KK Leung
Subject: Re: [igraph] getting k-connected nodes from a vertex
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2012 00:17:28 +0800

>> because when I exam the file content, I find something like:
> C D
> C E
> C F
> B D
> B C
> A C
> A B
That's how graph.neighborhood is supposed to work; it gives you the
first-order neighborhood of the central vertex, so you will find not only
edges that are connected to the central vertex but also edges that go
between the _neighbors_ of the central vertex.


According to documentation:

"The neighborhood of a given order o of a vertex v includes all vertices
which are closer to v than the order. Ie. order 0 is always v itself, order
1 is v plus its immediate neighbors, order 2 is order 1 plus the immediate
neighbors of the vertices in order 1, etc.", is order 1 yielding "immediate
neighbors" instead? In my case, passing 0 will actually return nothing
rather than vertex v itself... 

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