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Re: [igraph] R igraph: get.shortest.paths returns error

From: Tamas Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] R igraph: get.shortest.paths returns error
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2012 11:19:05 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120714 Thunderbird/14.0

Dear Tobias,

Thanks for the feedback. It seems that your problem is version-specific,
i.e. it occurs with igraph in R 2.15.1 (confirmed on Mac OS X) but not in R
2.14.1 (confirmed on Linux). I have created a bug report for this and
assigned it to Gabor, the developer of the R interface. You can subscribe to
the bug report on the following page if you would like to be notified when
this is fixed:



On 08/08/2012 10:56 AM, Tobias Heckmann wrote:
> Dear Tamas,
> my RData file is unfortunately too large to send (43 MB).
> I have now tried a random graph, and get.shortest.paths returns the same 
> error... Hence, it doesn't seem to depend on my data. I've attached the 
> RData file for my graph and my sessionInfo.
> Thank you very much for dealing with my problem !
> Best regards
> Tobias
> Am 08/08/2012 09:48, schrieb Tamás Nepusz:
>> Dear Tobias,
>> This is strange; I still cannot reproduce your issue on my machine, neither 
>> with "ordinary" R vectors nor with vertex sequences. Could you send me an 
>> Rdata file with an example graph and a "startnode" and "tonodes" vector that 
>> causes problems on your machine?
>> Best,--
>> T.
>> On Wednesday, 8 August 2012 at 09:25, Tobias Heckmann wrote:
>>> Dear Tamas,
>>> in the original version of my script (which worked on my old machine),
>>> startnode is a simple R vector:
>>>> str(startnode)
>>> num 177822
>>> while tonodes seems to be a vector sequence:
>>>> str(tonodes)
>>> Class 'igraph.vs' atomic [1:286] 157812 158206 158605 158989 159367 ...
>>> ..- attr(*, "env")=<environment: 0x1013523c>
>>> in ?get.shortest.paths, it reads that the "to" argument should be a
>>> "numeric vector, the vertices to which the shortest paths will be
>>> calculated..."
>>> Hence, I also tried as.numeric(tonodes) in the "to" argument, but the
>>> error remains the same.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tobias
>>> Am 08/08/2012 08:43, schrieb Tamas Nepusz:
>>>> Dear Tobias,
>>>>> Until today, the following command worked well:
>>>>> paths<-get.shortest.paths(graph,from=startnode,to=tonodes,mode="out",weights=NA,output="epath")
>>>>> Today, I installed R on a 64bit machine and tried running my script again.
>>>>> This time, the command returned the following error:
>>>>> "At structural_properties.c:659 : Size of the `vertices' and the `to'
>>>>> should match, Invalid value"
>>>> I have tried this now on a random graph with random start and end nodes and
>>>> it seemed to work for me, so can you please let us know what is there in 
>>>> the
>>>> "startnode" and "tonodes" variables? Are they simple R vectors?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Tamas
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>>> --
>>> ---
>>> Dr. Tobias Heckmann
>>> Wiss. Angestellter
>>> Lehrstuhl für Physische Geographie
>>> Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
>>> Ostenstraße 18
>>> 85072 Eichstätt
>>> Tel.: 08421-93-1309
>>> Fax: 08421-93-1787
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