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Re: [igraph] plot walktrap communities

From: Tamás Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] plot walktrap communities
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 11:58:26 +0200

> I have calculated walktrap communities on my network, then I'd like to
> plot the result. I see the standard is to plot nodes colored
> accordingly to membership, but I'd prefer to plot each community in a
> different area of the same plot. Right now I have done this by hand
> using tkplot and then exporting coordinates, but I am wondering if a
> more automated procedure can be applied...

I don't think so; well, one possible way to do it is to use a layout which 
takes weights into account (e.g., Fruchterman-Reingold), and then construct a 
weight vector which is large for intra-community edges and small for 
inter-community edges. With some luck (and a nice community structure), the 
weights should take care of pulling the related nodes close to each other.


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