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Re: [igraph] A very elementary question

From: Tamás Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] A very elementary question
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 22:13:43 +0100


> I'm a novice in igraph and, thus, I have a rather facile question that
> I ought to know the answer. Is it possible to plot a weighted directed
> graph in igraph?
Yes, it is. Using the R interface, you can either write the weights explicitly 
on the edges using edge labels or decide to vary the edge width according to 
the weight. Using the Python interface, you have to represent the edges by 
varying the edge widths as the Python interface supports no labels yet. Edge 
widths can be varied by assigning the desired width to the "width" edge 
attribute. Edge labels in R can be varied by assigning the desired labels to 
the "label" edge attribute.

> And how could the nodes be denoted by their labels?
Simply assign the labels to the "label" vertex attribute and they will be 
plotted automatically.


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