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[igraph] Overlaying two plots with different vertex sizes

From: David Huffaker
Subject: [igraph] Overlaying two plots with different vertex sizes
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 14:26:56 -0400

Hi all,

I tried googling this for awhile, but need to turn to the igraph community.  I am trying to overlay two graphs (one a friend network, the other an exchange network).  However, I'd like to vary the size of the exchange network (right now, as a degree(g)). I get the following error, which I assume is happening because there are less nodes in g than there are in g2.  Is there a better way to distinguish the size of the vertices in g?

Error in plot.igraph(g, vertex.label = NA, layout = lay, vertex.color = nodecolor,  : 
  dims [product 2] do not match the length of object [17]
In addition: Warning message:
In layout[, 1] + label.dist * cos(-label.degree) * (vertex.size +  :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length

Here is my code:

g <- graph.data.frame(dat, directed = T)
g2 <- graph.data.frame(dat2, directed = F)

nodesize <- scale(degree(g, mode = "out"), center = T) + 5
nodecolor <- "red"

lay <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g2) # If this is changed to "g" only two nodes show up so I use the larger graph for layout.

plot.igraph(g2, vertex.label = NA, layout = lay, vertex.color = nodecolor, vertex.size = nodesize, edge.width = 1, edge.color = "gray60", edge.arrow.size = 0.5)
par(new = TRUE) # use this to overlay plots
plot.igraph(g, vertex.label = NA, layout = lay, vertex.color = nodecolor, vertex.size = nodesize, edge.width = 1.5, edge.color = "gray20", edge.arrow.size = 0.5)

Thanks in advance!

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