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Re: [igraph] function which verify if the bayesian network obtained is a

From: Tamas Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] function which verify if the bayesian network obtained is a DAG or not
Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 14:06:00 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

> Could you help me to find the function  which verify if the bayesian network
> obtained is a DAG or not.
igraph_topological_sorting verifies if the graph is a DAG; if it is, the
result will contain a topological ordering of the vertices. If the graph
is not a DAG, the topological ordering will only be partial and the
resulting vector will be shorter than the number of vertices; you can
use this to detect whether your graph is a DAG or not. Although you are
right, we should have an igraph_is_dag or something like that. I add
that to our todo list.


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