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Re: [igraph] [Fwd: Linking error underwindows]

From: Gang Su
Subject: Re: [igraph] [Fwd: Linking error underwindows]
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 11:50:17 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Hi Tamas,

it passed igraph_layout_drl_optoins_init
And i don't see any error messages, the problem just aborted itself.
I was buidling under windows using visual studio.
All the other layout algroithms showed no problem.
Here's a simple test, which failed as well:
Could you please have a try? Thanks!

/*test whether igraph is correctly linked*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include "igraph.h"
#include <iostream>

//link successful. It's actually working.

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  //igraph_t g;
  //FILE *outfile;

//igraph_barabasi_game(&g, 1000, /*m=*/2, /*outseq=*/0, /*outpref=*/0, /*directed=*/1);
  //igraph_simplify(&g, /*multiple=*/1, /*loops=*/0);
  //outfile=fopen("out.txt", "w");
  //igraph_write_graph_edgelist(&g, outfile);
int edgeArray[] = {0,2,6,17,7,19,18,19,3,21,9,21,12,22,5,24,3,25,6,25,16,25,20,29,21,29,28,31,10,32,8,33,19,33,6,34,11,34,9,42,37,44,18,45,35,45,46,47,7,48,32,48};

  igraph_t g;
  igraph_vector_t v;
  igraph_vector_init(&v, 52);
  for(int i=0; i<52; i++){
      VECTOR(v)[i] = edgeArray[i];
  igraph_create(&g, &v, 0, 0);

  printf("this is working");
    long int vcount = igraph_vcount(&g);
  igraph_matrix_t locs;
  igraph_matrix_init(&locs, vcount, 2);

    igraph_layout_drl_options_t options;
  igraph_layout_drl_options_init(&options, IGRAPH_LAYOUT_DRL_COARSEN);

  //Force directed DRL, which failed
  igraph_layout_drl(&g, &locs, 0, &options, 0, 0);

  return 0;


Tamas Nepusz wrote:
Hi Gang,

According to that thread, I changed mode from "Debug" to "Release", and solved the problem. I can build the application now, however, when I run it under windows, it halted and quited by itself.
Do you see any error message when it quits? Does the execution get past
the igraph_layout_drl_options_init call?

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