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Re: [igraph] Sneppen-Maslov Randomization

From: Tamas Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] Sneppen-Maslov Randomization
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 19:05:58 +0100

Hi Lorenzo,

However, I would like to know if there is already an implementation (in particular for igraph under R) of the Sneppen-Maslov algorithm, a randomization technique that preserves P(k).
Yes, there is:

> library(igraph)
> ?rewire

(3) Given e.g. a graph with 1000 edges, how many i--j and k--l ---- > i--l and k--j valid edge transformations should I perform before I can consider the graph randomized?
The rewire() function accepts a number which specifies how many rewiring trials should be made. (A rewiring trial may fail if the two selected edges i--j and k--l have a common endpoint). If you pass the number of edges here, chances are that every edge will be chosen for rewiring twice on average as the edges are chosen uniformly. I think there are more sophisticated bounds on the desired value of the number of iterations, though.


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