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[igraph] estimating parameters for use in a barasi game

From: Jesse D Lecy
Subject: [igraph] estimating parameters for use in a barasi game
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 16:43:22 -0400

Greetings -

I have some empirical networks that I need to use as a basis for a monte-carlo 
simulation.  I need to generate new networks that have similar characteristics 
to the current networks (i.e. matched on density, in and out degree 
distributions).  The empirical networks exhibit preferential attachment, so I 
am using the "barabasi.game" functions to generate the networks in R, but I am 
having a hard time getting the input parameters right so the degree 
distributions of the empirical and generated networks are consistent.  I have 
set the "out-seq" parameter to the actual out degree vector of the empirical 
network, so this matches with the simulated network, as does the density.  But 
the in-degree distributions are distorted.

Is there any way to feed igraph a network and have it generate similar 
networks?  I.e., is there a parameter fitting routine for any of the network 
generation functions?  I know that there is a function for estimating the alpha 
parameter in power law distributions, but this parameter alone is insufficient 
for matching graph characteristics between empirical and simulated graphs.

Thanks in advance,


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