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Re: [igraph] community_fastgreedy algorithm in Python

From: Martin Bachwerk
Subject: Re: [igraph] community_fastgreedy algorithm in Python
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 09:27:04 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

Ahh, that's great! (Well, at least the fact that this doesn't need any further work :))

Thanks for the quick reply,


A short question considering the community_fastgreedy algorithm implementation in Python: why does it return a VertextClustering object?
The documentation is wrong here (thanks for pointing that out). The object that you get is in fact a VertexDendrogram:

In [1]: g=Graph.GRG(100, 0.2)
In [2]: cl=g.community_fastgreedy()
In [3]: cl.__class__
Out[3]: <class 'igraph.clustering.VertexDendrogram'>

You can even plot the dendrogram if you're lucky and it's not too large:

In [4]: plot(cl)

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