by default no attributes are supported from C, you can turn on an
experimental attribute handler with
There is an EAN macro to make the query a bit simpler, but the the
pair of SETEANV (which would be EANV) is missing. :(
See more at http://cneurocvs.rmki.kfki.hu/igraph/doc/html/ch09s02.html
Btw., it is much easier to use igraph from R or Python, especially the
attributes, just in case you don't have to use C.
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Alvaro Graves Fuenzalida
<address@hidden> wrote:
I've been trying to load a graph and consider the weights. According to the
documentation, using igraph_read_graph_ncol creates an edge attribute called
"weight" for every edge. However when I try to access it, it crashes. This
is what I'm currently doing (omitting several lines of code):
igraph_bool_t names = 1;
igraph_bool_t weight = 1;
igraph_eit_t edgeit;
igraph_read_graph_ncol(&g, stdin, NULL, names, weight, isdirected);
igraph_eit_create(&g, igraph_ess_all(IGRAPH_EDGEORDER_ID), &edgeit);
while(! IGRAPH_EIT_END(edgeit)){
printf("Peso edge %f is %f\n", IGRAPH_EIT_GET(edgeit), EAN(&g, "name",
What am I doing wrong? Also, is there an easier way to load the weights in a
vector than using an iterator? Thanks in advance.
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