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[igraph] closeness centrality question

From: Alvaro Graves Fuenzalida
Subject: [igraph] closeness centrality question
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:26:14 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20081105)

Hi, I'm working with closeness centrality but there is something I don't get if it's correcto or not:

If I have the following graph


the centrality is

0 -> 0.666667
1 -> 1.000000
2 -> 0.666667

which makes sense. However if I add another unconnected edge 3---4 then I have

0 -> 0.307692
1 -> 0.333333
2 -> 0.307692
3 -> 0.250000
4 -> 0.250000

According to the documetation "If the graph is not connected, and there is no path between two vertices, the number of vertices is used instead the length of the geodesic", but still the numbers don't fit. Can somebody tell me if there is a mistake or I misunderstood something?

Thanks in advance

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