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Re: [igraph] Python igraph Documentation and Examples

From: Gábor Csárdi
Subject: Re: [igraph] Python igraph Documentation and Examples
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 10:30:28 +0100


I think it is true in general that there are not too many examples and
tutorials on how to do things in igraph. I don't know the Python
igraph documentation too well, maybe it is even more true for Python.

I will try to focus more on documentation, but it is not an easy
decision, because igraph is changing quite a lot and I don't want to
document things that will go out of date soon.

What you could do to help us, is that 1) you ask on this mailing list
if you don't know how to do something. This is already good, because
the answers go into the mailing list archive. 2) You write "small
examples" about how to do this and that, e.g. based on the answers you
get on the igraph-help list and send these to us (or probably to the
list). Then we set up a page on the igraph homepage for these.

I have been thinking about setting up an igraph wiki for a while, that
would be perfect for examples, but we don't have the infrastructure
for it. (If anyone knows a free thematic wiki service without banners
and with some user control (i.e. some pages can be edited by given
people), please tell me.)

Tamas might help you with your specific questions, but he seems to be
offline recently.


On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 10:37 PM, Lorenzo Isella
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have used the Python interface to igraph for some months for quite
> trivial tasks.
> Now I need to deal with a bit more complicated tasks and I would like
> to see some examples/tutorials specifically geared towards Python.
> For instance, this is what I would like to do
> (1) Generate a graph with a given distribution of degrees P(k)
> (2) See what happens if for instance I disconnect certain components of a 
> graph
> (3) Calculate the minimum distance between some edges
> Is there any place online where I can find them? In a sense, I am
> looking for a Python igraph cookbook.
> Last question: it seems to be that the documentation for the R igraph
> package is more substantial (and also has more examples) than the one
> for the python binding. Is there a reason for this?
> Many thanks
> Lorenzo
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Gabor Csardi <address@hidden>     UNIL DGM

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