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[igraph] about reimplement igraph C basic interface using DB

From: E. Navarro
Subject: [igraph] about reimplement igraph C basic interface using DB
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2008 23:57:37 +0100

Hi !

I'm doing some research on really large graphs, -part of- the web's
hyperlink graph for instance.
This graphs generally doesn't fit into memory.

As I seen igraph is well layered, my idea is "simply" to reimplement
iGraph basic interface to make it use a DB (SQLite certanly).
so I was wondering :
- have you already think about such an idea ?
- is there major technical issue I didn't see ?
- any advice ?

A issue I was thinking on, is about attributes, especially weights.
If I load it in into the memory, I'm back to the initial problem :
it's quite the same than load the entire graph...
I seen the C Attribute Handler Interface, could it be a simple solution ?

Thanks a lot,
Emmanuel Navarro

PS: I known neo4j, but it's really not conventional graph library...
And I'm interest on all algorithms implements into iGraph.

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