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Re: [igraph] Weighted beweenness centrality in igraph

From: Tamas Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] Weighted beweenness centrality in igraph
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2008 12:03:18 +0100

Dear Rui,

Is weighted node/edge betweenness centrality implemented in igrah?
It's already implemented in the development version (0.6) but not in the stable branch (0.5). The reason why it is delayed till 0.6 is that it changes the C API (there is an additional argument for igraph_betweenness that contains the edge weights). You will have to compile the dev version yourself from the sources, although the Python interface is a bit tricky to compile on Windows; I'm currently struggling to compile the Python interface for 0.5.1.


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