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[igraph] R2.7.0 fails to show vertex labels on Quartz

From: MATSUDA, Noriyuki
Subject: [igraph] R2.7.0 fails to show vertex labels on Quartz
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 17:03:23 +0900


I updated R today to 2.7.0 and encountered with the trouble in displaying vertex labels. The following shows the title but not lables:

>g <- graph.ring(10)
>V(g)$name <- LETTERS[1:vcount(g)]

> warnings()
1: In text.default(x, y, labels = labels, col = label.color,  ... :
  font "Times-Roman" could not be found

   I'd appreciate prompt rescue.

MATSUDA, Noriyuki  <Kanji> 松田紀之

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