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hyrolo-sort broken

From: Tekakutli
Subject: hyrolo-sort broken
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2022 19:20:30 -0600

I use:  Editor:      GNU Emacs 28.0.91
    Hyperbole:   8.0.0pre
    Sys Type:    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
    OS Type:     gnu/linux
    Window Sys:  pgtk
    News Reader: Gnus v5.13
    Install:     unknown, 

git log:
commit fc868105cefc6ce0091fc61f0fc4d8ccb653a048 (HEAD -> master)
Author: Henrik Lissner <git@henrik.io>
Date:   Mon Feb 14 17:19:19 2022 +0100

the only changes in my config:
(hyperbole-mode 1)
(setq hyrolo-date-format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")
(setq hyrolo-hdr-format "")
(setq hyrolo-add-hook nil)
(setq hyrolo-edit-hook nil)

to remove automatic date and header

my ~/.rolo.otl test file has the next content:
*   emacs
**   agenda
**   dired
**   geiser
**   layout
**   magit
***   forge
***   history
***   rebase
**   multicursor
**   navigation
**   orgmode
***   tangle
*   guile
*   guile2
*   guix
**   guixshell
***   guixshellkid
*   irc
*   krita
*   linux
*   lisptips
*   regex
*   screenshot
*   sound
*   unicode
*   videos
**   ffmpeg
**   mpv
**   ytdlp
originally it had more info, but I can replicate the issue with this
what I see after hyrolo-sort:
guile moving up next to emacs
irc moving up next to guix

if hyrolo-sort again then guile2 follows guile
after that it further decomposes

what I am assuming it should do is sorting within the same hierarchy
without splitting the parents from their children

I am using doom, and installed this way:
(package! hyperbole :recipe (:host github :repo "rswgnu/hyperbole"))

if you want me to do a test or something I can

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