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Re: [VCDImager] Muddy quality and a green line

From: Herbert Valerio Riedel
Subject: Re: [VCDImager] Muddy quality and a green line
Date: 13 Oct 2001 19:06:25 +0200

On Sat, 2001-10-13 at 18:54, address@hidden wrote:
> I am on Mac OS X. I capture video in iMovie from my DV camcorder. It 
> looks great. I convert it to mjpeg format using Quicktime Pro. It still 
> looks great. I use mksvcd (mjpegtools 1.4.1) to create an mpeg2 and then 
> I use vcdimager 0.7.10 to build the image. I then burn it to CD with 
> Toast Titanium.
have you tried watching the mpeg2 stream on the computer before passing
it to vcdimager?
> When I watch the SVCD on TV it is very muddy. Everything is darker than 
> it should be. The shadows lose their detail. The colors lose their 
> saturation. And there is also a green line on the right side of the 
> screen. What's going on? Any ideas?
fyi, vcdimager does not modify the video encoding of the mpeg stream; it
just packages the stream into the required cdrom sectors;
thus the problem is either the mpeg encoding, or your playing device...

btw, you haven't mentioned what brand your player is... maybe the green
bar/line is caused by the SDE width setting (the specs seem to recommend
using DVD-like settings, i.e. 560, but maybe your player really requires
480 in order to fill the screen completely...)

Herbert Valerio Riedel       /    Phone: (EUROPE) +43-1-58801-18840
Email: address@hidden       /    Finger address@hidden for GnuPG Public Key
GnuPG Key Fingerprint: 7BB9 2D6C D485 CE64 4748  5F65 4981 E064 883F

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