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Re: man page rendering speed (was: Playground pager lsp(1))

From: Alejandro Colomar
Subject: Re: man page rendering speed (was: Playground pager lsp(1))
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2023 21:04:03 +0200
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On 4/7/23 17:06, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2023 09:43:19 -0500
>> From: "G. Branden Robinson" <>
>> Cc:,,,
>> ...which brings me to the other factor, of which I'm more confident: man
>> page rendering times are much lower than they were in Unix's early days.
>> On my system, all groff man pages but one render in between a tenth and
>> a fortieth of a second.  The really huge pages like groff(7),
>> groff_char(7), and groff_diff(7) are toward the upper end of this range,
>> because they are long, at ~20-25 U.S. letter pages when formatted for
>> PostScript or PDF, or have many large tables so the tbl(1) preprocessor
>> produces a lot of output.
>> The outlier is groff_mdoc(7) at just over one-third of a second.
> Some people consider 0.1 sec, let alone 0.3 sec, to be long enough to
> be annoying.
> Also, did you try with libpng.3 or gcc.1?

$ time man -w gcc | xargs zcat | groff -man -Tutf8 2>/dev/null >/dev/null

real    0m0.406s
user    0m0.534s
sys     0m0.042s

But as others said, I don't really care about the time it takes to format
the entire document, but rather the first 24 lines, which is more like
instantaneous (per your own definition of ~0.5 s).

$ time man -w gcc | xargs zcat | groff -man -Tutf8 2>/dev/null | head -n24 
xargs: zcat: terminated by signal 13

real    0m0.064s
user    0m0.051s
sys     0m0.030s

As a curiosity, mandoc(1) seems to be faster for rendering the entire document, 
but slower to "start reading".

$ time man -w gcc | xargs zcat | mandoc >/dev/null

real    0m0.270s
user    0m0.218s
sys     0m0.057s

$ time man -w gcc | xargs zcat | mandoc | head -n24 >/dev/null

real    0m0.136s
user    0m0.119s
sys     0m0.023s

As a disclaimer, I do sometimes care about reading entire documents,
but even in that case, it's not so bad.  I can read the few thousand man
pages in the Linux man-pages in about a few seconds, or a minute.  [1]

>>   Human subjects need a minimum of about 0.1 second of visual experience
>>   or about .01 to .02 second of auditory experience to perceive
>>   duration; any shorter experiences are called instantaneous.
>>   -- Encyclopædia Britannica[2]
> IME, 0.05 sec of visual experiences is closer to reality.

This is the time to load the first 24 lines of almost any page.
gcc(1), which is one of the longest I have, takes 0.6 s.  MAX(3),
which is one of the shortest I have, takes 0.4 s.

> Anyway, I won't argue.



[1]:  Here's why I do care about time to lead entire pages.  I know
      I can optimize this pipeline by calling groff(1) directly, or even
      better, mandoc(1), now that I know it's faster for entire docs,
      but since I haven't used this function for a long time, I didn't
      spend time optimizing it.

        if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
                >&2 echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} <manpage|manNdir>...";
                return $EX_USAGE;

        for arg in "$@"; do
                man_section "$arg" 'SYNOPSIS';
        done \
        |sed_rm_ccomments \
        |pcregrep -Mn '(?s)^ [\w ]+ \**\w+\([\w\s(,)[\]*]*?(...)?\s*\); *$' \
        |grep '^[0-9]' \
        |sed -E 's/syscall\(SYS_(\w*),?/\1(/' \
        |sed -E 's/^[^(]+ \**(\w+)\(.*/\1/' \

        if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
                >&2 echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} <dir> <section>...";
                return $EX_USAGE;

        local page="$1";
        local sect="$*";

        find "$page" -type f \
        |xargs wc -l \
        |grep -v -e '\b1 ' -e '\btotal\b' \
        |awk '{ print $2 }' \
        |sort \
        |while read -r manpage; do
                (sed -n '/^\.TH/,/^\.SH/{/^\.SH/!p}' <"$manpage";
                 for s in $sect; do
                        <"$manpage" \
                        sed -n \
                                -e "/^\.SH $s/p" \
                                -e "/^\.SH $s/,/^\.SH/{/^\.SH/!p}";
                 done;) \
                |man -P cat -l - 2>/dev/null;

man_lsfunc() is quite slow, but it's acceptable to me, since I only
run it sporadically.

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