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@menu puts too many restrictions to produce the .info file

From: Christopher Dimech
Subject: @menu puts too many restrictions to produce the .info file
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2020 14:49:28 +0200

I wish to point out that @menu puts a lot of restrictions on running

1. Having an unreferenced node
2. lacking some item in the Menu
3. Not having same order in menu as in Sectioning
4. Menu complains about @anchor
5. Menu complains of @sebsectioning

I do get use cases where the menu is there to help the user
towards a particular direction.  However when I produce
documentation in Pdf I want it too look are an ordered manual.

There are many reasons why a person would want a menu that differs
from the sectioning.

Christopher Dimech
Chief Administrator - Naiad Informatics - GNU Project (Geocomputation)
- Geophysical Simulation
- Geological Subsurface Mapping
- Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
- Natural Resource Exploration and Production
- Free Software Advocacy

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