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Re: [Help-source-highlight] regexp in javascript.lang (3rd try!)

From: gnombat
Subject: Re: [Help-source-highlight] regexp in javascript.lang (3rd try!)
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 15:40:49 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20081105)

Lorenzo Bettini wrote:
address@hidden wrote:
include "c_comment.lang"

keyword =

(symbol,normal,symbol) = `(\+\+|--|\)|\])(\s*)(/=?(?![*/]))`
(number,normal,symbol) =
(normal,symbol) = `([[:alpha:]$_][[:alnum:]$_]*\s*)(/=?(?![*/]))`

regexp = '/(\\.|[^*\\/])(\\.|[^\\/])*/[gim]*'

include "number.lang"

include "c_string.lang"

include "symbols.lang"

cbracket = "{|}"

include "function.lang"

Actually it works also this way, and it reuses most of java.lang (see the attached file);

what do you think?

The keyword definition has to occur before the definitions with the division operator in order to correctly match things like this:

/* unusual, but valid JavaScript */
throw /foo/;

/* this is more likely to occur in practice */
function f() {
  return /foo/;

/* or this */
function g(bar) {
  return /foo/.test(bar);

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