Have you heard the present daymasters of speech? Burns burst forth in
never-dying song while guiding the ploughshare. Therefore,be careful in your
choice of reading matter.
Hard and fast rules, however, can never make awriter
or author.
The newspapers are responsible for a large part of the slang. Nature
is one great volume thepages of which are open to the peasant as well as to the
This may sound paradoxical, but, nevertheless, experienceproves its
truth. Therefore,be careful in your choice of reading matter. Lay up only the
valuable andserviceable kind which you can call into requisition at any
To a great degree the same applies to the author. In the sameway
womanhood is the grandest crown the feminine head can wear.
Dontsay she is very
playful when young but becomes grave as she grows old. In the sameway womanhood
is the grandest crown the feminine head can wear.
Dean Swift, the great Irish
satirist, coinedthe word phiz for face. To a great degree the same applies to
the author. Remember honest labor, no matter how humble, is ever dignified.
examples of these men are incentives to action.
Burns burst forth in
never-dying song while guiding the ploughshare. The world is anopen book in
which all who run may read. He was the great intellectualocean whose waves
touch the continents of all thought.
Remember In lifes earnest battle they only
prevail Who daily march onward and never say fail. Doggone it, thatbeats the
Dutch, you bet, you bet your boots, sprang from New York.
That has been said
more than fifty thousand times before.
Moody, the greatest Evangelist theworld
has ever known.
Those men are constantly on thelookout for persons who can make
Oh, thatwas personal magnetism, you will say, but it was nothing of the
Familiar themes are always the best forthe beginner. The peoplerefused to
work for him, and his crops rotted on the ground. The man who can talkwell and
to the point need never fear to go idle. Dontsay she is very playful when young
but becomes grave as she grows old. And when it has not gained a firm foothold
in current speech itshould be used not at all.
Thesun is always shining behind
the darkest clouds. You dont know,thundered Carlyle, young man, you are a fool.