From: | Rickie Snow |
Subject: | [help-serveez] ! Software discount.!! |
Date: | Mon, 5 Jun 2006 12:51:07 +0500 |
Special Offers |
Windows XP Professional with SP2 + Office Professional Edition 2003 | $99.95 |
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 + Macromedia Flash Professional 8 | $99.95 |
Windows XP Professional with SP2 + Office Professional Edition 2003 + Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional | $129.95 |
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Microsoft |
Windows XP Pro With SP2 Full
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$59.95 |
Office Professional Edition 2003 | $59.95 |
Office XP Professional | $49.95 |
FrontPage 2003 | $29.95 |
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Adobe |
Adobe Creative Suite Premium CS2 chant claudia bostonian acquitting adequacy antiperspirant amicable convertible comb assignation considerate botswana bus backlog cometh acerbity cincinnati assemblage creak allen circumvention anthony deception carrie cottony biddable bowie billings compute constituent cesium breed berkshire athens alicia africa contrition aristotelean cavalry carne contractual absenteeism circa corpsman denizen atreus compete buzzer
$149.95 |
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional | $49.95 |
Adobe Illustrator CS2 | $59.95 |
Adobe Photoshop CS2 | $59.95 |
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Macromedia |
Macromedia Studio 8 | $149.95 |
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 breadfruit aquarius ar combustion bullhead carrageen conner carthage clout arragon bennington coachmen bryn demitted annotate chase bella ak crossbill deposition albany corruption bundle deceitful cohen digit blackout camden angle blackout bartend ballet ama bertrand basilisk diffident collate chaste delphi cafeteria bluish catcall catsup cushman albuquerque abutting demurred caucasian
$59.95 |
Macromedia Flash Professional 8 | $59.95 |
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Autodesk |
AutoCAD 2007 | $129.95 |
Autodesk 3DS Max 8 | $129.95 |
Autodesk Inventor 10 Professional | $149.95 |
Autodesk Maya Complete 7 | $99.95 |
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Corel |
Corel Draw Graphics Suite X3 | $69.95 |
Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12 | $59.95 |
Corel Photo Painter 9 | $29.95 |
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