Aaron S. Hawley wrote:
Quoting address@hidden:
> Hello,
> Is there Multisiting Capability available in RCS.
> If yes, can you please throw some light on the same.
You could run any tool like rsync<http://samba.anu.edu.au/rsync/> to
mirror the RCS files, and use a crontab(1) file to manage how often
things should be synchronized between physically disparate systems.
The good news is that RCS can easily support a "Multisiting
Capability" with these tools, the bad news (or is it?) is that it's
not built-in.
Creating a mirror of the repository is certainly possible with almost
any reasonable version control system. Then treating mirrors as
read-only so that changes cannot be checked into them and subsequently
overwritten by the mirror is easy enough. But I do not think that is
what the original poster was asking about.