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overpopulation seriousness

From: Louie Ochoa
Subject: overpopulation seriousness
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 03:38:27 +0900

Let _a_ be the light, _b_ the eye, _c_ the object seen by the eyeand in the light. A primary shadow is that side of abody on which the light cannot fall. Of the various kinds of light (126, 127). The apparent size of objects defined by calculation (99-105)99. Shadow is the diminution of light by the intervention of an opaquebody. The angle of sight varies with the distance (86-88)86. A shadow may be infinitely dark, and also of infinite degrees ofabsence of darkness. OF A MIXTURE OF NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL PERSPECTIVE. You must first explain the theory and then the practice. And this is proved by the first of what has been said above,and its diminution is natural. You must first explain the theory and then the practice. Derived shadow is that which is disengaged from a body inshadow and pervades the air. I GIVE THE DEGREES OF THE OBJECTS SEEN BY THE EYE AS THE MUSICIANDOES THE NOTES HEARD BY THE EAR. HOW THE INNUMERABLE RAYS FROM INNUMERABLE IMAGES CAN CONVERGE TO APOINT. At the spot _B_ on thesecond diagram he wrote _lume libero_ (diffused light). Andon this proposition I build up the first Book. _ III, _because,in all probability, we have here a final and definite purposeexpressed. WHY WHEN AN OBJECT IS PLACED CLOSE TO THE EYE ITS EDGES AREINDISTINCT. If _a n_ goes 3 times into _f b, m p_ will do the same into _p g_. And this is proved by the first of what has been said above,and its diminution is natural. Then go backwards so far as that _c d_ goes twice into _a n_ and _pg_ will be equal to _g h_. The relative size of objects with regard to their distance from theeye (93-98). which consists of two separateparts; still, the materials are far from being finally arranged. However, in the case of thischapter, the old MS. Hence the objects which are seen with these lines of sight haveconfused outlines. This diagram distinguishes natural from artificial perspective. Dozio did not transcribe it fromthe original MS. OF EQUAL OBJECTS THE MOST REMOTE LOOK THE SMALLEST.

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