I defined a vector P that contains my probability distribution for a Dice
Roll, i.e. 6 equal probabilities for each outcome.
Now, I want to define a variable T5 such that P[T5=t] = P{Xt is the first
random variable with outcome 5}
In other words: I start my process of tossing a die and T5 is the first time
a 5 is diced.
How would I define it with an _expression_?
Sent from: https://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/Octave-General-f1599825.html
You can use
the rand function to generate random numbers, and then scale or round them to be uniform 1 through 6.
P = floor(6*rand(1,N)+1)
Then use
find to get the indices of all entries equal to 5:
T = find(P==5)
The first time a 5 is rolled is just the first element of T, i.e. it is T(1)..