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Re: help about IO package Octave

From: Markus Mützel
Subject: Re: help about IO package Octave
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 16:25:50 +0100

Am 20. Januar 2021 um 13:41 Uhr schrieb "Fernando Duarte via Help-octave":
> I have this part of code 
> a=xlsopen('IEA.xlsx',1,[]);
> [X,Y]=xls2oct(a);
> [A1,A2,lim]= parsecell (X);
>  and I want to write  A2(1,1:25), A2(2:end,5)..... into a excel xlsx file 
> using oct2xls() .
>  the A(1,1:25) have special  portuguese characters like  ã ç,.....
> version of Octave 6.1.0.  version of the io package: 2.6.3
>  plataform: windows 10    
> Can someone help me with this?
> sincerely
> FDuarte

Did you try what I suggested in the other thread you started?
Did you run into issues using that approach? 
> There is currently a bug (in the io package or in Octave - not sure yet) that 
> leads to errors when reading/writing non-ASCII characters from/to Excel files.
> It is possible to work around that bug by setting the default file encoding 
> to UTF-8.
> You can either do that in the preferences ("Editor" tab -> Set "Text encoding 
> used for loading and saving" to "UTF-8") or with the following command:
> __mfile_encoding__ ("utf-8")
> You might have to convert your .m files to UTF-8 if they contain non-ASCII 
> characters after that. But the default will most likely change to UTF-8 for 
> Octave 7 anyway.
> HTH,
> Markus

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