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optimization fminbnd, how to read the current value of an iteration

From: Igor1954
Subject: optimization fminbnd, how to read the current value of an iteration
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2021 06:44:09 -0600 (CST)

optimization function  fminbnd, 
1. how to read the current value of an iteration
2. how to read some columns from the results table
Func-count     x          f(x)         Procedure
    1        2.39996      0.67549        initial
    2        3.88322     -0.67549        golden
    3        4.79993    -0.996171        golden
    4        5.08984    -0.929607        parabolic
    5        4.70582    -0.999978        parabolic
    6         4.7118           -1        parabolic
    7        4.71239           -1        parabolic
    8        4.71236           -1        parabolic
    9        4.71242           -1        parabolic

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