Sure. I will try it. In the first post I have enclosed the picture of the
wanted result. I have an input vector x. (which can also have a shape of
ordinary sine wave). What I need to do is create a result signal y which
picks up local max values (peaks) and from there the value of y exponentialy
decays with the T as a time constant until the input signal x value is
smaller than y. If the input x is greater again than the exponential decayed
signal, then the resulting y takes the shape of X again. However, it is
important that the y never drops to 0 or gets lower than x and that it
strictly follows local peaks of x. Perhaps an low pass filter would do this
task or also some kind of averaging. I am enclosing the picture again.
ex.png <>
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I now understand!!
You want to model a half wave rectified signal with a decay on the held voltage to model the slope from the load current.
You have to do some "if" statements similar to what you did in the other question.