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Re: Octave unable to find python when using symbolic toolbox

From: Vikram Garg
Subject: Re: Octave unable to find python when using symbolic toolbox
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 17:38:02 -0600

Indeed I did install octave using flatpak. Setting the environment variable to python 3 did the trick.

setenv PYTHON python3
sympref reset

Thank you for the prompt and helpful responses.

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 5:30 PM Mike Miller <address@hidden> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 17:02:21 -0600, Vikram Garg wrote:
> However, the same command runs fine on my command prompt:
> *[vgarg@localhost ~]$ python3.6 -c "print(\"Python says hello\")"Python
> says hello*

Is there a reason you have set PYTHON in your environment to be
specifically "python3.6"? Instead of, say "python3"? Did you have that
set previously, or did you find that advice somewhere?

> I tried adding /usr/bin (where python3.6 is located) the path, but that
> hasnt helped:
> octave:18> path
> Octave's search path contains the following directories:
> .
> /usr/bin

Yeah, Octave's "path" is not the same as the shell PATH. That's not the
problem here.

> [vgarg@localhost bin]$ which python3.6
> /usr/bin/python3.6
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I am going to guess that you have installed Octave with Flatpak or Snap,
is that right?

If so, Octave does not have access to the /usr filesystem that is part
of your operating system, it is confined to its own /usr. You probably
want to try setting PYTHON to be "python3" instead of "python3.6".


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