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[octave forge] matgeom 1.2.1.octave released

From: JuanPi
Subject: [octave forge] matgeom 1.2.1.octave released
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2019 23:46:56 +0100

Dear all,

After considerable delays we managed to release the new external
package matgeom (thanks go to Olaf Till,. Mike Miller, and Philip
Nienhuis, who made the release possible).

This package mirrors the upstream version[1] with minor adaptations
for GNU Octave package management system. From now on we will closely
track the developments upstream.

matgeom is a subset of the current geometry package (version 3.0.0)
that contains all functions developed upstream. This implies that the
next release of geometry (version 4.0.0) will observe a major
reduction of functions and will not be backwards compatible.

Installation issue

In some systems the usual way to install form forge will fail

> pkg install -forge matgeom
error: get_forge_pkg: could not read version number from package's page
error: called from
    get_forge_pkg at line 49 column 7
    get_forge_download at line 26 column 14
    pkg at line 407 column 31

If you hit this issue you can use the following alternative:

pkg install 

JuanPi Carbajal

“An article about computational result is advertising, not
scholarship. The actual scholarship is the full software environment,
code and data, that produced  the  result.”
- Buckheit and Donoho

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