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Re: aviread from video package does not return correct frame

From: shall689
Subject: Re: aviread from video package does not return correct frame
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2018 17:18:34 -0600 (CST)

I just converted the h264 file to avi on the VirtualBox running Ubuntu with
the following:
ffmpeg -framerate 3 -i vid1.h264 -c copy output.avi

aviread still returns the same frame for all frames.

aviinfo returns the following:
>> aviinfo('output.avi')
ans =

  scalar structure containing the fields:

    Filename = output.avi
    FileSize =  38222588
    FileModDate = 25-Dec-2018 18:08:29
    NumFrames =  354
    FramesPerSecond =  6
    Width =  1920
    Height =  1080
    ImageType = truecolor
    VideoCompression = h264
    Quality =  100
    NumColormapEntries = 0
    AudioFormat =
    AudioRate = 0
    NumAudioChannels = 0
    Title =
    Author =
    Comment =

The FramesPerSecond is 6 which is incorrect.  When I converted the h264 to
mp4, aviinfo returned the correct frames per second, which is 3.

I used the following lines to get a frame, e.g. frame 1 and replace 1 with 2
to get frame 2:
>> f=aviread('output.avi',1);
>> imshow(f)

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