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Re: pkg install

From: Thomas D. Dean
Subject: Re: pkg install
Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2017 11:06:14 -0700
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On 06/03/2017 09:59 AM, Mike Miller wrote:
On Sat, Jun 03, 2017 at 09:28:10 -0700, Thomas D. Dean wrote:
Most of these files are optional.  I read the package part of the docs.

Yes, Marco's point was that the files must exist at the top-level of the
package, not in a packinfo directory. They get _moved_ to a packinfo
directory when the pkg is installed.

The bare minimum for a package that will install is:


The files COPYING and DESCRIPTION must exist. There are some required
fields in DESCRIPTION. There must be at least one file in the inst
directory. This package works for me.

I tried that before and the package installs OK, loads Ok, but, the functions in the package are not defined.

octave:18> pkg install -verbose geographiclib-1.0.0.tar.gz
mkdir (/tmp/oct-nGCXas)
untar (geographiclib-1.0.0.tar.gz, /tmp/oct-nGCXas)
octave:19> pkg list
Package Name       | Version | Installation directory
          control  |   3.0.0 | /home/tomdean/octave/control-3.0.0
   data-smoothing  |   1.3.0 | /home/tomdean/octave/data-smoothing-1.3.0
          general  |   2.0.0 | /home/tomdean/octave/general-2.0.0
    geographiclib  |   1.0.0 | /home/tomdean/octave/geographiclib-1.0.0
         geometry  |   3.0.0 | /home/tomdean/octave/geometry-3.0.0
            image  |   2.6.1 | /home/tomdean/octave/image-2.6.1
image-acquisition  |   0.2.2 | /home/tomdean/octave/image-acquisition-0.2.2
         interval  |   2.1.0 | /home/tomdean/octave/interval-2.1.0
               io  |   2.4.7 | /home/tomdean/octave/io-2.4.7
   linear-algebra  |   2.2.2 | /home/tomdean/octave/linear-algebra-2.2.2
          mapping  |   1.2.1 | /home/tomdean/octave/mapping-1.2.1
    miscellaneous  |   1.2.1 | /home/tomdean/octave/miscellaneous-1.2.1
              ocs  |   0.1.5 | /home/tomdean/octave/ocs-0.1.5
           odebvp  |   1.0.6 | /home/tomdean/octave/odebvp-1.0.6
           odepkg  |   0.8.5 | /home/tomdean/octave/odepkg-0.8.5
            optim  |   1.5.2 | /home/tomdean/octave/optim-1.5.2
       quaternion  |   2.4.0 | /home/tomdean/octave/quaternion-2.4.0
           signal  |   1.3.2 | /home/tomdean/octave/signal-1.3.2
          specfun  |   1.1.0 | /home/tomdean/octave/specfun-1.1.0
       statistics  |   1.3.0 | /home/tomdean/octave/statistics-1.3.0
           struct  |  1.0.14 | /home/tomdean/octave/struct-1.0.14
         symbolic  |   2.5.0 | /home/tomdean/octave/symbolic-2.5.0
          tomdean  |   1.0.0 | /home/tomdean/octave/tomdean-1.0.0
octave:20> pkg load geographiclib
octave:21> lat1 = -33.83; lon1 = 151.29;
octave:22> lat2 = -33.02; lon2 = -71.64;
octave:23> [s12e, azi1e] =   gedistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);
error: 'gedistance' undefined near line 1 column 17

octave:23> ls geographiclib-1.0.0/geographiclib
Contents.m          gedistance.m          geoid_height.m  polarst_fwd.m
cassini_fwd.m       gedoc.m               geoid_load.m    polarst_inv.m
cassini_inv.m       geocent_fwd.m         gereckon.m      private
defaultellipsoid.m  geocent_inv.m         gnomonic_fwd.m  projdoc.m
doc-cache           geodarea.m            gnomonic_inv.m  tranmerc_fwd.m
ecc2flat.m          geoddistance.m        loccart_fwd.m   tranmerc_inv.m
eqdazim_fwd.m       geoddoc.m             loccart_inv.m   utmups_fwd.m
eqdazim_inv.m       geodreckon.m          mgrs_fwd.m      utmups_inv.m
flat2ecc.m          geographiclib_test.m  mgrs_inv.m
octave:24> ls geographiclib-1.0.0/geographiclib/gedistance.m

octave:23> ls geographiclib-1.0.0/geographiclib
Contents.m          gedistance.m          geoid_height.m  polarst_fwd.m
cassini_fwd.m       gedoc.m               geoid_load.m    polarst_inv.m
cassini_inv.m       geocent_fwd.m         gereckon.m      private
defaultellipsoid.m  geocent_inv.m         gnomonic_fwd.m  projdoc.m
doc-cache           geodarea.m            gnomonic_inv.m  tranmerc_fwd.m
ecc2flat.m          geoddistance.m        loccart_fwd.m   tranmerc_inv.m
eqdazim_fwd.m       geoddoc.m             loccart_inv.m   utmups_fwd.m
eqdazim_inv.m       geodreckon.m          mgrs_fwd.m      utmups_inv.m
flat2ecc.m          geographiclib_test.m  mgrs_inv.m
octave:24> ls geographiclib-1.0.0/geographiclib/gedistance.m

octave:25> ls geographiclib-1.0.0
geographiclib  geographiclib-legacy  packinfo
octave:26> ls geographiclib-1.0.0/packinfo/
octave:27> system('head  geographiclib-1.0.0/packinfo/INDEX')
geographiclib >> GeographicLib from GeographLib Matlab files
  ans = 0
octave:28> system('head -5 geographiclib-1.0.0/packinfo/INDEX')
geographiclib >> GeographicLib from GeographLib Matlab files
  ans = 0

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