img=imread("fibers01.tif"); %fourier transform img_sf=fft2(double(img)); % shift, to move the frequency 0 to center img_sf_shift=fftshift(img_sf); %conjuate img_sf_shift_conj=conj(img_sf_shift); %check the friedel symmetry %img_sf_shift(1,1) should have the same real part and opposite imaginary part %compare to img_sf_shift(256,256), and was exactly same with img_sf_shift_conj(256,256). img_sf_shift(1,1) img_sf_shift(256,256) img_sf_shift_conj(256,256) % the image size is 256x256, the center is (128,128). after shift, if it follows friedel symmetry, then %img_sf_shift(125,128) have the same real part and opposite imaginary part with %img_sf_shift(131,128) %img_sf_shift(126.128) --> img_sf_shift(130,128) %img_sf_shift(127.128) --> img_sf_shift(129,128) img_sf_shift(125:131,128)