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drawArrow - package geometry

From: Clinton Winant
Subject: drawArrow - package geometry
Date: Sat, 21 May 2016 19:08:55 -0700

Using the following test program, I have been unable to draw arrows with "filled" arrow tips, even though the parameter R is set to 1.  The plot I obtain is attached

%! # Orthogonal projection respect to vector b
 dim = 2;
 b   = 2*rand(dim,1);
 P   = eye(dim) - (b*b')/(b'*b);
 v   = 2*rand(dim,1)-1;
 Pv  = P*v;

 # Draw the vectors
 h = drawArrow ([zeros(3,dim) [b'; v'; Pv']],1,0.1,1);%parameter R set to 1

 # Color them
 arrayfun(@(x,y)set(x,'color',y), [h.body; h.wing(:)],repmat(['rgb']',3,1));
 # Name them
 legend (h.body, {'b','v','Pv'},'location','northoutside','orientation','horizontal');

Attachment: test-drawArrow.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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