classdef visa < icinterface %VISA Construct VISA object. % % OBJ = VISA('VENDOR', 'RSRCNAME') constructs a VISA object, OBJ, of type % RSRCNAME. The possible VENDORs are: % % VENDOR Description % ====== =========== % agilent Agilent Technologies VISA. % ni National Instruments VISA. % tek Tektronix VISA. % % RSRCNAME is a symbolic name for the instrument with the following % format (values in brackets [] are optional): % % Interface RSRCNAME % ========= ======== % GPIB GPIB[board]::primary_address[::secondary_address]::INSTR % VXI VXI[chassis]::VXI_logical_address::INSTR % PXI PXI[bus_number]::device_number::INSTR % GPIB-VXI GPIB-VXI[chassis]::VXI_logical_address::INSTR % Serial ASRL[port_number]::INSTR % TCPIP TCPIP[board]::remote_host[::lan_device_name]::INSTR % USB USB[board]::manid::model_code::serial_No[::interface_No]::INSTR % RSIB RSIB::remote_host::INSTR (provided by NI VISA only). % % The following describes the parameters given above: % % Parameter Description % ========= =========== % board Board index (optional - defaults to 0). % bus_number PCI bus number of the PXI instrument % chassis Chassis index (optional - defaults to 0). % device_number Device number of the PXI instrument % interface_No USB interface. % lan_device_name Local Area Network (LAN) device name % (optional - defaults to inst0). % manid Manufacturer ID of the USB instrument. % model_code Model code for the USB instrument. % port_number Com port number (optional - defaults to 1). % primary_address Primary address of the GPIB device. % remote_host Host name or IP address of the instrument. % secondary_address Secondary address of the GPIB device % (optional - if not specified, none is assumed). % serial_No Index of the instrument on the USB hub. % VXI_logical_address Logical address of the VXI instrument. % % OBJ's RsrcName property is updated to reflect the RSRCNAME with default % values specified where appropriate. % % RSRCNAME can be the VISA alias for the instrument. % % In order to communicate with the instrument, the VISA object must be % connected to the instrument with the FOPEN function. % % When the VISA object is constructed, the object's Status property % is closed. Once the object is connected to the instrument with the % FOPEN function, the Status property is configured to open. Only one % VISA object can be connected to the same instrument at a time. % % OBJ = VISA('VENDOR','RSRCNAME','P1',V1,'P2',V2,...) constructs a % VISA object, OBJ, of type RSRCNAME and with the specified property % values. If an invalid property name or property value is specified % OBJ will not be created. % % Note that the param-value pairs can be in any format supported by % the SET function, i.e., param-value string pairs, structures, and % param-value cell array pairs. % % At any time you can view a complete listing of VISA functions and % properties with the INSTRHELP function, i.e., instrhelp visa. % % Example: % % To construct a VISA-GPIB object connected to Board 4 with an % % instrument with primary address 1 and no secondary address. % g = visa('ni', 'GPIB4::1::0::INSTR'); % % % To construct a VISA-VXI object that communicates with a VXI % % instrument located at logical address 8 in the first VXI system. % v = visa('agilent', 'VXI0::8::INSTR'); % % % To construct a VISA-serial object that is connected to COM2. % s = visa('tek', 'ASRL2::INSTR'); % % % To connect the VISA-GPIB object to the instrument: % fopen(g) % % % To query the instrument. % fprintf(g, '*IDN?'); % idn = fscanf(g); % % % To disconnect the VISA-GPIB object from the instrument. % fclose(g); % % See also ICINTERFACE/FOPEN, INSTRUMENT/PROPINFO, DEMOV_INTRO, INSTRHELP. % % MP 7-13-99 % AL 9-4-2009 % Copyright 1999-2011 The MathWorks, Inc. properties(Hidden, SetAccess = 'public', GetAccess = 'public') icinterface end methods function obj = visa(vendor, name, varargin) obj = address@hidden('visa'); % Create the parent class. try obj.icinterface = icinterface('visa'); %#ok<*PROP> catch error(message('instrument:visa:nojvm')); end switch (nargin) case 0 error(message('instrument:visa:invalidSyntaxVendor')); case 1 if strcmp(class(vendor), 'visa') obj = vendor; elseif isa(vendor, 'com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.SerialVisa') obj.jobject = handle(vendor); obj.type = 'serial'; elseif isa(vendor, 'com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.GpibVisa') obj.jobject = handle(vendor); obj.type = 'gpib'; elseif isa(vendor, 'com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.VxiVisa') obj.jobject = handle(vendor); obj.type = 'vxi'; elseif isa(vendor, 'com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.PxiVisa') obj.jobject = handle(vendor); obj.type = 'pxi'; elseif isa(vendor, 'com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.VxiGpibVisa') obj.jobject = handle(vendor); obj.type = 'gpib-vxi'; elseif isa(vendor, 'com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.TcpipVisa') obj.jobject = handle(vendor); obj.type = 'tcpip'; elseif isa(vendor, 'com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.UsbVisa') obj.jobject = handle(vendor); obj.type = 'usb'; elseif isa(vendor, 'com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.RsibVisa') obj.jobject = handle(vendor); obj.type = 'rsib'; elseif isa(vendor, 'com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.GenericVisa') obj.jobject = handle(vendor); obj.type = 'generic'; elseif isa(vendor, '') obj.jobject = vendor; obj.type = 'serial'; elseif isa(vendor, '') obj.jobject = vendor; obj.type = 'gpib'; elseif isa(vendor, '') obj.jobject = vendor; obj.type = 'pxi'; elseif isa(vendor, '') obj.jobject = vendor; obj.type = 'vxi'; elseif isa(vendor, '') obj.jobject = vendor; obj.type = 'gpib-vxi'; elseif isa(vendor, '') obj.jobject = vendor; obj.type = 'tcpip'; elseif isa(vendor, '') obj.jobject = vendor; obj.type = 'usb'; elseif isa(vendor, '') obj.jobject = vendor; obj.type = 'rsib'; elseif isa(vendor, '') obj.jobject = vendor; obj.type = 'generic'; elseif ishandle(vendor) % True if loading an array of objects and the first is a VISA object. if ~isempty(findstr(class(vendor(1)), 'com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.')) obj.jobject = vendor; obj.type = 'rsib'; else error(message('instrument:visa:invalidSyntaxName')); end else error(message('instrument:visa:invalidSyntaxName')); end if isvalid(obj) % Pass the OOPs object to java. Used for callbacks. obj.jobject(1).setMATLABObject(obj); end return; otherwise % Error checking. if ~ischar(vendor) error(message('instrument:visa:invalidVENDORstring')); end if isempty(vendor) error(message('instrument:visa:invalidVENDORempty')); end if ~ischar(name) error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAMEstring')); end if isempty(name) error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAMEempty')); end % Ex. v = visa('ni', 'ASRL1::INSTR'); % Ex. v = visa('agilent', 'GPIB0::1::97::INSTR', 'Tag', 'visa-gpib'); % Determine the path to the dll. If the path is given use it otherwise try % to find the associated MathWorks adaptor. [pathToDll, vendor, ext] = fileparts(vendor); if isempty(pathToDll) % The adaptor is a MathWorks adaptor - verify that it exists. pathToDll = localFindAdaptor(vendor, ext); end [pathToDll, temp, ext] = fileparts(pathToDll); vendor = [temp ext]; % Parse the input name and determine which type of object is being % created. [type, name, alias, errflag, errType] = localParseName(name, pathToDll, vendor); if (errflag == true) if (errType == 0) error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAMESpecified')) else error(message('instrument:visa:invalidVENDOR')); end end % Call the java constructor and store the java object in the % jobject field. switch (type) case 'serial' try obj.jobject = handle(com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.SerialVisa(pathToDll,vendor,name,alias)); obj.type = 'serial'; catch %#ok<*CTCH> error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAME')); end case 'gpib' try obj.jobject = handle(com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.GpibVisa(pathToDll, vendor,name,alias)); obj.type = 'gpib'; catch error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAME')); end case 'pxi' try obj.jobject = handle(com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.PxiVisa(pathToDll, vendor, name, alias)); obj.type = 'pxi'; catch %#ok error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAME')); end case 'vxi' try obj.jobject = handle(com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.VxiVisa(pathToDll, vendor, name, alias)); obj.type = 'vxi'; catch %#ok error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAME')); end case 'gpib-vxi' try obj.jobject = handle(com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.VxiGpibVisa(pathToDll, vendor, name, alias)); obj.type = 'gpib-vxi'; catch error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAME')); end case 'tcpip' try obj.jobject = handle(com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.TcpipVisa(pathToDll, vendor, name, alias)); obj.type = 'tcpip'; catch error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAME')); end case 'usb' try obj.jobject = handle(com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.UsbVisa(pathToDll, vendor, name, alias)); obj.type = 'usb'; catch error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAME')); end case 'rsib' try obj.jobject = handle(com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.RsibVisa(pathToDll, vendor, name, alias)); obj.type = 'rsib'; catch error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAME')); end case 'generic' try obj.jobject = handle(com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.GenericVisa(pathToDll, vendor, name, alias)); obj.type = 'generic'; catch error(message('instrument:visa:invalidRSRCNAME')); end end % Set the specified property-value pairs. if nargin > 2 try set(obj, varargin{:}); catch aException delete(obj); localFixError(aException); end end end setMATLABClassName( obj.jobject(1),obj.constructor); if isvalid(obj) % Pass the OOPs object to java. Used for callbacks. obj.jobject(1).setMATLABObject(obj); end end end % Separate Files methods(Static) obj = loadobj(B) end end function [type, rsrcName, alias, errflag, errType] = localParseName(name, pathToDll,vendor) % Initialize variables. type = ''; rsrcName = ''; alias = ''; errflag = false; errType = 0; % Determine the resource name from the specified resource name. This will % allow users to use an alias for their resource name. try tempobj = com.mathworks.toolbox.instrument.SerialVisa(pathToDll,vendor,'ASRL1::INSTR',''); info = getAliasInfo(tempobj, name); if ~isempty(info) info = cell(info); end tempobj.dispose; catch errflag = true; errType = 1; return; end % If there is no information returned, then it is an invalid resource % name/alias. If the first element is not an INSTR, error. if isempty(info) errflag = true; return; end % Otherwise the alias/resource name was mapped to a resource name. rsrcName = info{2}; alias = info{3}; % Determine the type of object to create. if strncmpi('ASRL', rsrcName, 4) % ASRL1::INSTR type = 'serial'; elseif strncmpi('GPIB-VXI', rsrcName, 8) % GPIB-VXI0::7::INSTR. type = 'gpib-vxi'; elseif strncmpi('GPIB', rsrcName, 4) % GPIB0::1::97::INSTR type = 'gpib'; elseif strncmpi('RSIB', rsrcName, 4) %RSIB::ipaddress::INSTR type = 'rsib'; elseif strncmpi('PXI', rsrcName, 3) % PXI0::1::INSTR type = 'pxi'; elseif strncmpi('VXI', rsrcName, 3) % VXI0::1::INSTR type = 'vxi'; elseif strncmpi('TCPIP', rsrcName, 5) && ~isempty(strfind(rsrcName,'INSTR')) % TCPIP:: type = 'tcpip'; elseif strncmpi('USB',rsrcName, 3) && ~isempty(strfind(rsrcName,'INSTR')) % USB::0x1234::125::A22-5::INSTR type = 'usb'; else type = 'generic'; end end % ******************************************************************* % Fix the error message. function localFixError (exception) % Initialize variables. id = exception.identifier; errmsg = exception.message; % Remove the trailing carriage returns from errmsg. while errmsg(end) == sprintf('\n') errmsg = errmsg(1:end-1); end newExc = MException(id, errmsg); throwAsCaller(newExc); end % ******************************************************************* % Find the adaptor that is being loaded. The path was not specified. function adaptorPath = localFindAdaptor(adaptorName, adaptorExt) % Initialize variables. adaptorPath = ''; %#ok % Define the toolbox root location. instrRoot = which('instrgate', '-all'); % From the adaptorName construct the adaptor filename. if isempty(adaptorExt) adaptorName = lower(['mw' adaptorName 'visa']); end dirname = instrgate('privatePlatformProperty', 'dirname'); extension = instrgate('privatePlatformProperty', 'libext'); if (isempty(dirname) || isempty(extension)) newExc = MException('instrument:visa:unsupportedPlatform', ['The VISA adaptor on the ' computer ' platform is not supported.']); throwAsCaller(newExc); end % Define the adaptor directory location. instrRoot = [fileparts(instrRoot{1}) 'adaptors']; adaptorRoot = fullfile(instrRoot, dirname, [adaptorName extension]); % Determine if the adaptor exists. if exist(adaptorRoot,'file') adaptorPath = adaptorRoot; else newExc = MException('instrument:visa:adaptorNotFound','The specified VENDOR adaptor could not be found.'); throwAsCaller(newExc); end end