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Re: fsolve shows repeated results

From: Doug Stewart
Subject: Re: fsolve shows repeated results
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 16:16:46 -0400

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Fausto Arinos de A. Barbuto <address@hidden> wrote:


When run on Octave 4.0.0 on a W7 machine the following piece of

function raizes3

    format long;
    options =  optimset('TolX',1.0e-15,'TolFun',1.0e-15);
    xi = [0.1:0.5:5.0];
    for xguess = xi
        [x,fval] = fsolve(@f,xguess,options)

function y = f(x)
    y = x*tan(x) - 42.0;

produces the results shown below:

x =  1.53428203880513
fval =   2.04636307898909e-012

x =  1.53428203880513
fval =   2.04636307898909e-012

x =  1.53428203880513
fval =  -4.97379915032070e-014

x =  4.60322412114047
fval =  -7.38964445190504e-013

x =  4.60322412114047
fval =  -7.38964445190504e-013

x =  4.60322412114047
fval =  -3.55271367880050e-014

x =  4.60322412114047
fval =  -3.55271367880050e-014

x =  7.67327748954486
fval =   2.27373675443232e-013

x =  4.60322412114047
fval =  -3.55271367880050e-014

x =  4.60322412114047
fval =  -3.55271367880050e-014

As one can see the two existing roots of y = x*tan(x) - 42 in the interval
0.1 <= x <= 5.0 were found more than once: 1.534... was found thrice while
4.603... was found _six_ times -- as if fsolve were iterating back & forth
around a particular root so that it was found several times.

But the most curious part of the whole process comes right after fsolve()
finds the root x = 7.673... (at this point root x = 4.603... had already
been found four times): fsolve() identifies x = 4.603 as a root another two
extra times when I for one would have expected the root-finding process to
have stopped at x = 7.673...

I wonder why this happens. y = x*tan(x) - C certainly isn't the most well-
behaved of the functions as it shows sharp, up-and-down spikes too often.
But the strange behaviour described in the paragraph right above has no
clear explanation (to me at least).

What's your take on this?



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You ask it to find a root 10 different times and then it did that and gave you 10 answers.
Why are you surprised?

DASCertificate for 206392

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