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Problem with function questdlg

From: Ferialpraktikant TPP
Subject: Problem with function questdlg
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 13:45:43 +0200

I am trying to create a graphical user Interface with octave and Java(loaded the package Java-1.2.9.tar.gz).
The functions msgbox, errordlg and inputdlg are working just fine but now I tried to use the function questiondlg:
Antwort = questdlg('Wollen Sie eine bestimmte Anzahl von Runden fahren?', 'FRAGE', 'Ja', 'Nein');
When I try this I get following error function:
error: Invalid call to questdlg.  Correct usage is:
 -- Function file: P = questdlg (MESSAGE, TITLE)
 -- Function file: P = questdlg (MESSAGE, TITLE, DEFAULT)
 -- Function file: P = questdlg (MESSAGE, TITLE, BTN1, BTN2, DEFAULT)
 -- Function file: P = questdlg (MESSAGE, TITLE, BTN1, BTN2, BTN3,
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When I try to Change the function, just giving MESSAGE and TITLE and letting the function produce the Buttons(Yes, No and Cancel) on it`s own I get the following:
>> Antwort = questdlg('Wollen Sie eine bestimmte Anzahl von Runden fahren?', 'FRAGE');
error: [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
error: called from
    java_invoke at line 54 column 10
    questdlg at line 92 column 7
I have no idea how I can fix this and I couldn`t find any similar problem and a solution for it on the Internet.
It would be great if you could help.
Many thanks in advance!
Eva-Maria Wartha

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