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Re: Help parsing a text file and assigning variables

From: Eric
Subject: Re: Help parsing a text file and assigning variables
Date: Sat, 04 Jul 2015 17:24:59 -0700
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On 07/04/2015 03:20 PM, Juan Pablo Carbajal wrote:
On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 11:06 PM, Eric <address@hidden> wrote:

I am trying to read a simple spice netlist file into octave and assign the
variables listed with the values listed in the file.  The file is a text

An example of the file I am trying to import is:

V1 1 0 12
R1 1 2 1000
R2 2 0 2000
R3 2 0 2000


I would like to read the file and automatically create and assign the

V1 = 12
R1 = 1000
R2 = 2000
R3 = 2000

where the first element of each line is the variable name and the fourth
element of each line is the value.

I have been looking through google and the octave documents for some
examples but have not been successful.

Thank you for any help.

Eric Meddleton

Help-octave mailing list

Have you tried something like

f = fopen ("data.txt");
nvar = 4;
for i = 1:nvar
    [var x y z] = fscanf (f,"%s %d %d %d","C")
    eval (sprintf ("%s = %d", var, z))

Where data.txt is your file (you have remove the "-----------------")
and nvar is the number of variables you want to read.
You can improve from here, I guess.

Thank you,

I should not of included the '---------------------" as it is not part of the text file and I just put them in to separate the text file from the rest of the email.

I did get a solution based on your recommendation and some more searching I found on the matlab central website:

f = fopen("ex.cir");
inputs = textscan(f, '%s %d %d %f','delimiter', ' ');

variables = genvarname(inputs{1,1});
values = inputs{1,4};

for i = 1:size(variables,1)
        eval([cell2mat(variables(i)) '= values(i);']);

Thank you,

Eric Meddleton

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