# file test12.m; copied from test11.m on 12/2/14 @ 15:47 or so. # purpose: to explore newline and font problems in plot; # command = diary on, echo on, more off, test12; # construct a two line title string with Greek letter, subscript, and # math symbol: title1 = strcat("Some Words"," by {/Symbol w}_{0 hor} \\approx\t","end") title2 = "line2 of title." titlestr = sprintf("%s\n%s",title1,title2) # construct a two line xlabel string with an included time stamp: xlabel1 = "abscissa, x" [now] = ctime(time) tnow = strtrim(now) xlabel2 = strcat("filename = test12.m,\t","stamp =\t", tnow,"\t end.") xlabelstr = sprintf("%s\n%s",xlabel1,xlabel2) ylabelstr ="ylabel, y" ; # draw the plot: # default graphics_toolkit is "fltk": resetting to "gnuplot"; graphics_toolkit="gnuplot" clf h1 = figure(1,"visible","on") x = linspace(0,10,11) ; y = x .* x ; hline1 = line(x,y,"marker", "s" ) ; xlabel(xlabelstr); ylabel(ylabelstr); title(titlestr); set(hline1,"color","r","linewidth",2,"markersize",8,"linestyle","none") ; print(h1, "-color", "plot12.ps" ) ; uname () version # on screen: Greek doesn't work; and spacing of xlabel2 (tabs) don't work. # in plot12.ps: Greek doesn't work; subscript doesn't work; two lines # commands don't work; approx command doesn't work; but spacing in the # xlabel seems OK. [now]= ctime(time) diary off