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Mac: Script won't work when executed from bash shell?

From: Vic Norton
Subject: Mac: Script won't work when executed from bash shell?
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 12:41:59 -0500

Here's a description of my problem. I can't figure out what is wrong. Any ideas?
I'm running Mac OS X 10.9.1 with the latest MacPorts version of Octave.

1) The file
contains just three lines:
#!/opt/local/bin/octave -qf
F = rand(3, 3)
[P, Lambda] = minnormy0(F)

2) When I execute test2.m from the bash shell, the F line executes but the
call to minnormy0 produces an error:
~$ cd ./Norton/Programming/octave/m/tests/
tests$ ./test2.m
F =

   0.27707   0.64499   0.57826
   0.95870   0.93801   0.96575
   0.11563   0.12303   0.50396

error: 'minnormy0' undefined near line 3 column 16
error: called from:
error:   /Users/vic/Norton/Programming/octave/m/tests/test2.m at line 3, column 

3) Why the error? The minnormy0.m function has the path
~/.octaverc contains
addpath (genpath ("~/Norton/Projects/MinNormY/Octave/m"));

4) When I open octave in Terminal there is no problem running test2:
~$ octave
GNU Octave, version 3.6.4
octave> test2
F =

   0.2122514   0.3154166   0.5963612
   0.0026350   0.9292381   0.4959029
   0.9447314   0.4533054   0.1637449

P =


Lambda =



5) What is the problem here? Any ideas?

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