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Re: Loading a large and unusually formatted dataset into an Octave matri

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: Loading a large and unusually formatted dataset into an Octave matrix
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 01:23:59 +0000 (GMT)

On Jun 18, 2013, at 02:01 PM, Przemek Klosowski <address@hidden> wrote:

On 06/14/2013 02:04 PM, Elliot Gorokhovsky wrote:
>> > Hello! I am a new octave user and I am trying to predict the price of
>> > bitcoins 15 minutes in advance via neural networks for use on the
>> > website <> <>.
>> I have about a gigabyte of
>> > data that looks like this:


I responded, trying a=fscanf(FD,"%d %d")

Eh, make it a=fscanf(FD,"%f %f") of course:

command="perl -F'\"' -lane 'print \"$F[5] $F[9]\"' /tmp/bitcoin";

-lane is a very useful Perl idiom that splits every line into words into
array F ($F[0], $F[1], etc). -F" changes the word break character to the
double quote. After that, some judicious quoting of special characters
et voila.

As usual, I got bitten by *scanf code failing silently unless the format
string is perfect. Does anyone have good tips on debugging issues like
that? a way to figure out how far into the input did the format string

From a bash prompt, you perl command works as expected.

perl -F'"' -lane 'print "$F[5] $F[9]"' bitcoin.txt 

0.04951 20

0.05941 50.01

0.08080 5

The snippet below works for me.

cmd = "perl -F'\"' -lane 'print \"$F[5] $F[9]\"' bitcoin.txt"


pid = popen (cmd, "r");

while (ischar (s = fgets (pid)))

 fputs (stdout, s);



 pclose (pid);


If you modify this code (sscanf() for fputs()) to load a lot of data this the array(s) will be resized on each sscanf().  That will be inefficient.  Something like the code below will be faster.

cmd = "perl -F'\"' -lane 'print \"$F[5] $F[9]\"' bitcoin.txt > data.txt"

[status, output] = system (cmd);

data = "" ("data.txt");


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