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Re: Problem with changing FontSize with subsripts or greek lettres

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: Problem with changing FontSize with subsripts or greek lettres
Date: Wed, 08 May 2013 00:29:57 +0000 (GMT)

On May 07, 2013, at 07:53 PM, SwinMolSim <address@hidden> wrote:

I've been using Octave to make plots for a while now. However, I recently
wanted to change the fontsize of a plot where I had greek lettres and
subsripts in xlabel and as it was a semilog plot exponents 10^... as
numbering on the x-axis.

When I tried to increase fontsize for the plot, all labes that didnt contain
greek lettres, subsripts or exponents changed accordingly, while labes
containing these characters didnt change in size.

The code looked like this:

FS = findall(h2,'-property','FontSize');
semilogx (Q_err, err_cv1401,style1,"markersize", sizem, Q_err,
err_cv1408,style2,"markersize", sizem);
legend("T=1.4 \\rho=0.1 ","T=1.4 \\rho=0.8");
ylabel("c_v(Q) / c_v(Q=1) %");

So far, I couldnt find an answer on the internet I guess there is a default
size for displaying greek lettres etc. Does anyone know how I can change it?

Thank you!
Does the command below change all the fontsizes?

    set (findall (gcf (), '-property', 'fontsize'), 'fontsize', 16)

If please tell us what version of Octave you are using.


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