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Re: Package functions

From: Terry Duell
Subject: Re: Package functions
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2013 11:03:59 +1100
User-agent: Opera Mail/12.14 (Linux)

Hello Leszek,

On Wed, 03 Apr 2013 10:29:22 +1100, Leszek Jankowski <address@hidden> wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam

I have a problem concerning using functions from installed packages. I am writing my Bachelor’s thesis and I really need package statistics. I have installed it without problems (save for a warning concerning shadowing ftest function but I don’t find it relevant). It required more recent io package - I also installed it.

But when I tried to use some functions included in the package, I received a notification that it is undefined. I am not an experienced Octave user - I use it rather occasionally. Could you tell me what can be wrong? Should ‘package functions’ be used in a different way than built‑in functions?

The packages are probably installed OK, but may not be loaded into Octave.
run "pkg list" to see which packages are installed and which loaded.
Packages with an * are loaded.
This what it says on my system...

octave:1> pkg list
Package Name    | Version | Installation directory
 combinatorics  |   2.0.0 | /home/terry/octave/combinatorics-2.0.0
       control *|   2.4.2 | /home/terry/octave/control-2.4.2
data-smoothing *|   1.3.0 | /home/terry/octave/data-smoothing-1.3.0
       general *|   1.3.2 | /home/terry/octave/general-1.3.2
       gnuplot *|   1.0.1 | /home/terry/octave/gnuplot-1.0.1
         image *|   2.0.0 | /home/terry/octave/image-2.0.0
            io *|   1.2.1 | /home/terry/octave/io-1.2.1
          java *|   1.2.9 | /home/terry/octave/java-1.2.9
linear-algebra *|   2.2.0 | /home/terry/octave/linear-algebra-2.2.0
 miscellaneous *|   1.2.0 | /home/terry/octave/miscellaneous-1.2.0
        odepkg *|   0.8.4 | /home/terry/octave/odepkg-0.8.4
         optim *|   1.2.2 | /home/terry/octave/optim-1.2.2
          plot *|   1.1.0 | /home/terry/octave/plot-1.1.0
        signal *|   1.2.1 | /home/terry/octave/signal-1.2.1
       specfun *|   1.1.0 | /home/terry/octave/specfun-1.1.0
    statistics *|   1.2.0 | /home/terry/octave/statistics-1.2.0
        struct *|  1.0.10 | /home/terry/octave/struct-1.0.10

To ensure that they all load each time I run Octave I have edited my .octaverc file (linux), which now looks like this...

## Begin savepath auto-created section, do not edit
  addpath ('/home/terry/Myoctave:/home/terry/octave');
## End savepath auto-created section
## pkg load combinatorics
pkg load control
pkg load general
pkg load gnuplot
pkg load image
pkg load io
pkg load java
pkg load linear-algebra
pkg load miscellaneous
pkg load odepkg
pkg load optim
pkg load plot
pkg load signal
pkg load specfun
pkg load statistics
pkg load struct
pkg load data-smoothing

See if any of this helps.

Terry Duell

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