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Octave: invalid use of script in index expression

From: afullo
Subject: Octave: invalid use of script in index expression
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 08:21:40 -0700 (PDT)

I've got some script, but one of them doesn't work properly. Specifically,
HaltonProva gives:

/error: invalid use of script in index expression
error: called from:
error:   /home/fabio/Matematica/Meshfree/HaltonProva.m at line 19, column 4/

where the script and its calls follow (they are in distinct .m files, just
listed consecutively here):

/%%% HaltonProva.m

% bidimensionale
% x = HaltonSequence(100,2);
% y = HaltonSequence(100,3);
% plot(x,y,'.o')
% axis([0 1 0 1])
% axis square

% tridimensionale
% x = HaltonSequence(500,2);
% y = HaltonSequence(500,3);
% z = HaltonSequence(500,5);
% plot3(x,y,z,'.o')
% axis square
% grid on

% prova con la fill distance
xh = HaltonSequence(25,2);
yh = HaltonSequence(25,3);
hh = FillDistance(xh,yh)
xr = rand(25,1);
yr = rand(25,1);
hr = FillDistance(xr,yr)

%%% HaltonSequence.m

function hs = HaltonSequence(n,b)
hs = zeros(n,1);
for idx = 1:n
        hs(idx) = localHaltonSingleNumber(idx,b);

%%% FillDistance.m

hX = FillDistance(x,y)
neval = 40;
epoints=[xe(:) ye(:)];
ctrs=[x y];

%%% localHaltonSingleNumber.m

function hn = localHaltonSingleNumber(n,b)
n0 = n;
hn = 0;
f = 1/b;
        n1 = floor(n0/b);
        r = n0-n1*b;
        hn = hn + f*r;
        f = f/b;
        n0 = n1;

%%% DistanceMatrix.m

% DM = DistanceMatrix(dsites,ctrs)
% Forms the distance matrix of two sets of points in R^s,
% i.e., DM(i,j) = || datasite_i - center_j ||_2.
% Input
%   dsites: Mxs matrix representing a set of M data sites in R^s
%              (i.e., each row contains one s-dimensional point)
%   ctrs:   Nxs matrix representing a set of N centers in R^s
%              (one center per row)
% Output
%   DM:     MxN matrix whose i,j position contains the Euclidean
%              distance between the i-th data site and j-th center
  function DM = DistanceMatrix(dsites,ctrs)
  [M,s] = size(dsites); [N,s] = size(ctrs);
  DM = zeros(M,N);
  % Accumulate sum of squares of coordinate differences
  % The ndgrid command produces two MxN matrices:
  %   dr, consisting of N identical columns (each containing
  %       the d-th coordinate of the M data sites)
  %   cc, consisting of M identical rows (each containing
  %       the d-th coordinate of the N centers)
  for d=1:s
     [dr,cc] = ndgrid(dsites(:,d),ctrs(:,d));
     DM = DM + (dr-cc).^2;
  DM = sqrt(DM);/

How can I fix it? 

Thanks in advance. :)

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