Hugo Coolens wrote:
> I'm trying out the octave-instrument-control-toolbox. I guess it
> installed fine, but as you can see below, running the sample program
> pops up a "sorry, printing char matrices not implemented yet", is
> there a workaround for this in Octave 3.2.4 or how should the code be
> adapted to get the text identification string which is (hopefully)
> sent back?
> thanks
> hugo
> octave:10> readbytes = 10000;
> octave:11> fd = usbtmc_open("/dev/usbtmc1")
> fd = 4
> octave:12> usbtmc_write(fd,"*IDN?");
> octave:13> result = usbtmc_read(fd,readbytes)
> result =
> sorry, printing char matrices not implemented yet
> octave:14> usbtmc_close(fd);
I have answered Hugo already, but I forgot to include the mailing list.