On Nov 10, 2012, at 4:23 AM, Jorgen Sandberg wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: Ben Abbott
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 9:35 PM
To: Jorgen Sandberg
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: Can't save a plot
On Nov 9, 2012, at 3:01 PM, Jorgen Sandberg wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: Ben Abbott
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 11:37 PM
To: Jorgen Sandberg
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: Can't save a plot
On Nov 8, 2012, at 1:43 PM, Jorgen Sandberg wrote:
Dear Sirs,
I have installed OCTAVE 3.6.2 VS2010 on a Windows 7 machine.
When i will save a plot using the print or saveas command, I get
an error message saying that ghostscript is missing.
Instructions for installing ghostscript at on the wiki at the
link below.
In addition the package symbolic does not install.
How did you try to install the symbolic package?
Have you looked at using maxima for symbolic calculations?
Dear Ben Abbott,
Thanks a lot for your help. Unfortunately, I still have the
I have downloaded Ghostscript 9.05 and installed it. I have added
the path in the /.octaverc file as per the instruction for Octave
with Visual studio, but OCTAVE still can't find ghostscript. I
have looked into the ghostscript installation and in the bin file
is gswin32.exe. Thus I guess Octave should be looking for
gswin32.exe. Is that so?
I have Ghostscript 8.15 installed. Its binary is gswin32c.exe.
Assuming you have the gs_path environment variable set and have
set the path in the Control Panel, you can tell the print command
use use gswin32.exe instead by ...
print -dpdf test.pdf -Ggswin32.exe
If that fixes the problem for you, I can patch the sources to
include "gswin32.exe" when Octave searches for Ghostscript.
I have also found a Ghostscript version 9.02 that is a tar.gz
file like the other packages for Octave on Sourceforge. Should I
download this and install it as a package in OCTAVE? Will that do
the trick?
I am sorry to pass you these stupid problems. I am aware that
OCTAVE is free so I should not complain. However, please
understand that I want to spend my effort on using it in place of
struggling with the installation. My wish is that you prepare a
complete installation package for stupid users as I such that
there is no need to install any other packages. Please....
On the symbolic package. I downloaded the package from the
sourgeforge.net site for windows. The name of the package is
octave-3.6.2-symbolic-1.1.0-vs2010-setup.exe. After having
installed OCTAVE 3.6.2 I clicked on the package to activate its
installation like I had done it for the other packages available
on the same site. But the symbolic package came with the error
message, while all the other packages installed without any error
I can't help with this. Hopefully someone familiar with the
symbolic package on windows with help.
Dear Ben Abbott,
Sorry, but it does not work.
I have attached a screen snap and a copy of the octaverc file,
where I have added the path information. It seems to me that
OCTAVE is still looking for a file named ghostscript.
I would highly appreciate that you integrate ghostscript in the
installation package for Windows 7, 64 bit. In that way it would
Jorgen Sandberg
<Install Ghostscript.docx>
When you installed Ghostscript, what was the "Destination
DId you set "gs_path" to the "Destination directory" in
Using the default destination directory for 32 bit Win7 the adds to
include in ~/.octaverc are ...
cmd_path = getenv ("path");
gs_path = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\gs9.05';
if (isempty (strfind (cmd_path, gs_path)))
setenv ('path', strcat (cmd_path, pathsep (), gs_path));